Here are the best At-Home fertility test kits in the UK for 2024

Fertility testing is a process that can help determine whether an individual or a couple will be able to conceive. Fertility tests can range from simple home-based tests to more complex procedures conducted in a medical setting.
Disclaimer: This article is our personal experience of using various At-Home fertility test kits and is not intended to provide any medical or clinical advice. Please seek expert medical advice if you are suffering from any fertility or other health issues.

How is fertility tested?

There are majorly two kinds of tests:

1. Blood & Hormone tests:

As the name suggest, these are blood tests to check the hormone levels that may impact your fertility. These can be further sub-divided in two main categories.

a. AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone): Your egg count

AMH testing is often used as an indicator of a woman's ovarian reserve, which refers to the number and quality of eggs remaining in the ovaries.

What low results mean?

  • A lower AMH level may suggest a lower ovarian reserve, indicating that a woman may have fewer eggs remaining in her ovaries and may have more difficulty conceiving, particularly as she gets older.
b. Progesterone: Ovulation check

This blood test usually occurs 7 days before your next expected period. By measuring progesterone levels around day 21, healthcare providers can assess whether ovulation has occurred.

What low results mean?

  • If progesterone levels are low around day 21, it may suggest that ovulation did not occur during that cycle. This could indicate potential issues with ovulatory function, which may affect fertility.

There are other kind of blood tests that your doctor may refer you depending on your personal situation. These are:

  1. Luteinizing hormone (LH): LH is a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation in women. Abnormal levels of LH may indicate irregularities in the menstrual cycle or problems with ovulation.
  2. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH is a hormone that stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles in women. Elevated levels of FSH may indicate low egg count or a problem with the ovaries.
  3. Estradiol (E2): Estradiol is a form of estrogen produced by the ovaries. Measuring estradiol can help understand whether your ovaries are producing the right amount of oestrogen. When estrogen levels are too high, normal ovulation can be suppressed.
  4. Thyroid function test (TSH, T4): This tests your thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid hormones play a critical role in regulating metabolism and reproductive function. Abnormal thyroid function, either hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) or hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid function), can lead to an increased risk of fertility problems and miscarriage.
  5. Prolactin (PRL): Prolactin is a hormone that works with FSH and LH in ovulation and menstruation. When prolactin levels are abnormally high, they can suppress ovulation.

2. Ultrasound tests

An ultrasound scan will check for:

  1. Ovaries and follicles (immature eggs) within them: This can give you your Antral Follicle Count, the number of eggs you have left
  2. Uterus structure: making sure you have no abnormalities such as fibroids, cysts or polyps
  3. Endometrial thickness: making sure your endometrial lining is ready for a fertilised egg to attach
  4. Tubal Patency: in some cases, an additional procedure can be performed during an ultrasound to check how open/patent the fallopian tubes are. This is called a hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (HyCoSy).

What are At-Home fertility test kits?

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What are different At-Home fertility test kits that you can buy in the UK?

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Thriva - Fertility Insights Blood Test

Thriva has three main blood tests that are relevant for female fertility, the Fertility Insights, Women’s Hormone, and standalone AMH blood test. The only test targeted at fertility is the Fertility Insights test.

Key Information

  • Finger prick blood test or Venous blood test at some Superdrug pharmacies for extra 40 charge - with appointments within 1-2 weeks.
  • Digital results within 48h once sample is received in lab. GP-reviewed report.
  • Personalised fertility advice - including lifestyle tips to dietary advice or premium supplements

What's Included?

  • LH, FSH, Estradiol, testosterone, thyroid function, prolactin, AMH.
  • GP-reviewed report


Comprehensive, one-stop all inclusive blood test with convenient results.

Straightforward and worry-free for those who want to screen for all fertility markers.


This is by far the most expensive blood test in our comparison list for a range of hormones that is pretty standard to all fertility testing services.

The only hormone included that wouldn’t usually be seen on a standard fertility blood test panel is testosterone.

Thriva also has a cheaper Women’s Hormone blood test at £99, which doesn’t include prolactin and AMH; or a standalone AMH blood test for £126.

Plans & Pricing

£185.00 + Free delivery

Buy here


Forth has 7 blood tests on their “Fertility Tests for Women” page, as well as the option to “Build your own” blood test. The Female Fertility blood test was first on the page and appeared to be the most relevant for our needs.
Digital results within 48h once sample is received in lab. Personalised comment on results from a GPForth also employs “Health scores” with their app-based HealthCoach, which gives you scores for a range of health systems linked to the results of your blood test. If your score is low, it also offers you advice on how to improve your habits to improve these scores. There are 3 components to their Hormone Health score: Transport proteins, pituitary proteins, and sex steroid proteins.

Key Information

  • Finger prick blood test
  • Home nurse appointment (+ £60)
  • Partner clinic visit (+£45)
  • Organising a nurse yourself (free)
  • Digital results within 48h once sample is received in lab

What's Included?

  • LH, FSH, estradiol, thyroid function, prolactin, AMH
  • Personalised comment on results from a GP


You’re able to add extra tests onto any blood test you buy from Forth, including B12 (£15), testosterone (£6), etc. which is a nice touch.

The almost endless array of customisation is helpful if you are also considering checking for other biomarkers.

There are also lots of options for those who struggle with finger-prick blood tests at home.


The Forth interface is very cluttered because of the level of customisation offered.

For those who are not interest in the HealthCoach interface, the addition of “Health Scores” makes understanding offerings more confusing than clear.

We also would like more clarity on what the personalised comments on your results from a GP would mean, especially without understanding the medical history or goals of someone taking a Forth test.

Plans & Pricing

£134.00 + £2.95 delivery

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Babystart has 3 main test kits for fertility:
1. Fertilitests: Male and female fertility tests combined in one purchase
2. Fertilcheck: FSH screening test for women
3. Fertilitime: Ovulation LH test for women

Key Information

  • Urine dipstick test for women
  • Semen dipstick test for men

What's Included?

  • Fertilitests: Male sperm test, female LH test
  • Fertilcheck: FSH
  • Fertilitime: LH


We like that there are combined kits for both men and women, and that you have the ability to multi-select test kit options to compare.

It’s also the most competitively priced, which is ideal for anyone who just wants a snapshot of their fertility.


The website was poorly designed, confusing us multiple times when trying to navigate it to get the information we needed.

This test isn’t suitable for people who want an in-depth view of their fertility status, especially relating to their ovarian reserve.

Plans & Pricing

  • Fertilitests: £29.99
  • Fertilcheck: £9.99
  • Fertilitime: £9.99
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Enhanced Fertility

Female and male fertility tests with the following process:
1. Register online
2. Complete a health questionnaire
3. In 24 hours, receive a discrete test kit at home
4. Collect the finger-prick blood sample at home
5. Post the kit using the free packaging provided
6. In 48 hours, receive your results reviewed by Enhanced Fertility’s clinical team

Key Information

  • Finger prick blood test
  • Digital results within 48h once sample is received in lab

What's Included?

  • Female starter test: AMH, LH, FSH, Estradiol, Prolactin, Testosterone


The female starter test gives you a good cover of your fertility basics, but the extra tests you can add on is really where we feel Enhanced Fertility shines.

In addition to extra blood tests like thyroid hormones, liver function, and vitamin D, you’re able to add on pelvic and endometrial thickness scans (£180 respectively) and karyotyping (£350) which we haven’t seen offered in any other company.

Overall, the website is a straightforward, non-nonsense experience, that also has a list of helpful partner fertility clinics that do everything from IVF to embryo donation.

We also love that the male and female kits are equally detailed and priced.


None of Enhanced Fertility’s partner clinics are in the UK, although that is no fault of their own.

There are also no options to send a nurse to your home or attend a local clinic for a blood test if you struggle with collecting blood via finger-prick; however, you can call the EF team for them to guide you via video-call.

Plans & Pricing

£169 (female/male starter test)

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Hertility provides a range of at home tests, clinical services, scans, and fertility treatments. The fertility at home test has the following process:
1. Online health assessment: 30 questions
2. A personalised hormone test panel is created for you with up to 10 reproductive and thyroid hormones
3. At-home blood collection kit delivered in 3-5 days
4. Receive a doctor-written report explaining your results within 10 days

Key Information

  • Finger prick blood test or
  • Home nurse appointment (£79)

What's Included?

  • Based on the profile of someone without any major fertility concerns, the tests recommended were: AMH, LH, FSH, Estradiol, thyroid function (TSH, T3, T4)


The Hertility questionnaire can be done even before you decide to purchase a kit.

The questionnaire is extremely detailed, asking everything from hormonal symptoms to when your most recent period started, with explanations on why they are asking all questions.

They then give you a recommended test kit, which takes the guesswork about which hormones you should test.

It also offers integrated explanations as to what the chosen hormones mean.

We love that there is an option for a hormone and fertility advisor consultation (£39) if you are confused, and the widest range of clinical services we’ve seen, including fertility counselling sessions (£85) and fertility nutrition consultants (£99)


Waiting 10 days for results is significantly longer than other companies, but the tradeoff is that it is written by a doctor.

I wasn’t able to change my options for what my hormone test could include beyond the website’s recommendation, which again could be frustrating if I only wanted one specific result.

Plans & Pricing

£149 + free shipping

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